
Rifimpress has recently reorganized the corporate structure by redistributing responsibilities among more people. The new internal structure will allow Rifimpress to achieve a real team advance by combining the experience of historical collaborators with the ideas of young people.

In Rifimpress we believe very much in the potential of young people and in our company who has the spirit of initiative and want to do finds surely the space to grow.

The Rifimpress foundry works 24 hours a day and currently has 82 employees, operating mainly in five areas:

  • Quality Control Department. There are 7 people working in this department: in addition to the general management, a quality customer manager, a quality supplier, an acceptance checker, two crude-line controllers and one finisher control.
  • Technical office. Antonio Mercuri is responsible for working in Rifimpress since 1999 and Massimo Manzoli , mechanical engineers.
  • Foundry department. The Foundry operates 22 employees, who alternate in 3 daily shifts of 8 hours, and two managers, one at the foundry department and the other at the series shift. Three are the interior decorators.
  • Melting furnaces department. There are four employees in this department, one for each shift and one for the center shift supervisor.
  • Sewing, finishing, assembly, heat treatment and impregnation. There are 16 employees and a manager here.